They Once Called Airline Food Cuisine
It may be difficult to imagine, but the airline industry was not always the focus of the intense scorn we see today. And as I dug a bit for this story, I found that those glory days of aviation – golden might be a stretch I think – were not so long ago. People used to dress up to fly on an airliner. They actually had … fun too.
On to a little airline history.
What airline used to serve Sauerkraut Balls as part of the luncheon between San Francisco and Chicago? And who offered Chicken Korma and Vanilla Bavoris between Tokyo and Hong Kong or Poached Medallion of Salmon with salmon mousse enroute between Moscow and London?
Not really a quiz is it if I give you the answer is it? Stop over to Northwestern University’s Transportation Center site for a quick look at a little menu history.
NU also has an incredible transportation library that is part of the larger Northwestern University Library system.
Since anyone can garner access online now, I’ve been able to spend more time wandering the shelves, so to speak, from behind my desk.
The library has improved quite a bit since I was a graduate student at NU, or maybe it’s just easier for me to find things. Hard to tell.
But I am glad that someone took the time to save these emblems of a bygone era in our industry. Still, there is this nagging question in my brain … what IS Vanilla Bavoris anyway?