A380 Comes to Life


Every so often I stumble across something very cool that speaks more about our industry than I ever could … although I certainly intend to keep trying my best.A3802

If you click on this link, you’ll be instantly snatched away from your desk right into a panoramic view of an A380 cockpit. It seems very fitting to climb aboard now that Singapore Airlines has visited the UK for the first time with their airplane.

Work your mouse controls a bit and you can look up to the ceiling and the overhead panel or zoom in on the first officer’s panel. Turn around to the jump seat and you’ll quickly figure out how massive this airplane really is. Don’t forget to check out the TV monitor between the throttles. It’s attached to a camera high up on the vertical stabilizer to give the crew a view no one else has. I wonder if they share that with the passengers?

Our thanks to the folks at the French firm Gilles Vidal for this incredible blending of art and technology. And since it is Easter here in the states, have a good bunny day.

From the Editor: Are you a Jetwhine subscriber? Details are in the upper right hand column above or at www.Jetwhine.com. If you know anyone who would also enjoy this blog of “aviation buzz and bold opinion,” please send them the link to this story. Thanks.

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