CFI of the Year Announced … And We Know Him!
I was lucky enough to win a pretty cool award a few years back … the Airbus Aerospace Journalist of the Year award for an aviation safety story I wrote. It was indeed a proud moment. But a fellow I know won something yesterday that I’d gladly trade if I could because I think his award is that significant.
Max Trescott, Mr. Garmin 1000 they sometimes call him, is the new 2008 Certified Flight Instructor of the Year by the FAA. He was already a Master CFI and a Master ground instructor and happens to be the author of a volume I need a copy of desperately … G1000 Glass Cockpit Handbook. Max flies from Palo Alto Airport in California and also happens to be an aviation blogging buddy so this plug seemed like a natural pat on the back.
What I think makes Max’s CFI career all the more interesting is that he hasn’t been an instructor nearly as long as I, but he has been very busy. He passed his CFI rating flight test in September 2001 and is now a factory-trained FAA Industry Training Standards (FITS) instructor, a Cirrus Design instructor pilot, a Cessna 350/400 instructor and also an instructor in the national Cessna 350/400 recurrent training program.
Oh and I forgot one more. Max was also a previous winner of the FAA’s Western Pacific Region’s CFI of the Year award.
OK Max, we get it. You like teaching people to fly. Now if we just had a few more thousand like you around the country imagine how successful our industry might be.
Best of all, Max says he’s coming to the first annual aviation blogger conference I’ll be hosting at AirVenture this summer. Now that’s my kind of guy.
Nice job Max.
Do you already have a date during the Oshkosh show that the blogger conference will be scheduled for? I would be interested in learning more about it.